“Hallelujah Girls” Plot Description:
“Hilarity abounds when the feisty females of Eden Falls, Georgia decide to shake up their lives. The action in this rollicking Southern comedy takes place in SPA-DEE-DAH, the abandoned church-turned-day-spa where a group of friends gathers every Friday afternoon. After the loss of a dear friend, the women realize time is precious, and if they’re going to change their lives and achieve their dreams, they have to get on it now!”
There are obstacles, of course, and a bad guy (actually, a bad girl) – and romance. There are six women’s roles (five friends and the villianess) and two men’s roles (one fairly substantial role – he gets the girl – and one short one).
Perusal Scripts & more information can be obtained from the director, Gary Koutnik, (607-435-1783). More information on this 40 year old theater company can be seen at www.catskillplayers.org, or find Catskill Community Players on Facebook!