Please join us for the January 12th at 6:00 pm annual winter CCP Party & meeting at the Home of Diana and Ben Friedell, 400 County Highway 58, Oneonta, NY. Bring a dish to pass for the potluck- and let the Friedells know what you are bringing- Main Dish, Side Dish, bread, Salad, veggie side dish, or dessert, hors d’hoerves, etc. Its cold outside, but we will be toasty and comfortable and have some fun! For more info, get in touch with Diana. |
Help Catskill Players Leap Into 2018!
Members and those wishing to become members:
Please join us on January 6th at 6:00 p.m. for our annual winter CCP Party & meeting at the home of Diana and Ben Friedell, 400 County Highway 58, Oneonta, NY. Bring a dish to pass for the potluck- and let the Friedells know what you are bringing- Main Dish, Side Dish, bread, Salad, veggie side dish, or dessert, hors-d’hoeuvre, etc.
We will EAT, then meet – to discuss
- Wrap up from “All in the Timing”. Videos may be available, from Raphael Sason, our videographer.
- Treasurer’s report from Becky Chien.
- Board Member Elections- Currently, Diana Friedell, President; Gary Koutnik, Vice-President; Kyra McKissick, Secretary; Rebecca Chien, Treasurer; Jeannie Loh; Greg Langdon; Abbey Koutnik.
Next Season:
- Spring’s Play Date- in formulation, Nancy Bondurant-Couch Directing- June 1, 2, 3 or 8, 9,10;
- Fall Play Date: Gary Koutnik Directing
Play Reading Committee Discussion – Many plays are being perused, nothing has been set as of this date- more info at the meeting. Let us know if you would also like to peruse a script or two- be on the play reading committee.
If you have other things to add to the agenda, please contact Diana with the agenda item.
Annual Meeting: January 8, 2017
We will EAT, then meet – to discuss
- Wrap up from “Duets”, Videos are available, from Raphael Sasson, our videographer
- Treasurer’s report from Becky Chien.
- Officer Elections- The newly formed board from the union of Catskill Theatre Works and CCP was voted in last summer and we need to hold elections once again- Currently, Diana Friedell, President; Gary Koutnik, Vice-President; Kyra McKissick, Secretary; Rebecca Chien, Treasurer; Jeannie Loh; Greg Langdon; Abbey Koutnik.
- Next Spring’s Play Date- in formulation, Shadow LaValley has agreed to direct, with Nancy Bondurant Couch Producing.
- Play Reading Committee Discussion – Many plays are being perused, nothing has been set as of this date- more info at the meeting. Let us know if you would also like to peruse a script or two- be on the play reading committee.
If you have other things to add to the agenda, please contact me with the agenda item.
Peace, and Happy New Year!!!!
Diana Friedell, President
Summer Picnic & Annual Meeting – July 17th
Please bring a dish to pass; we’ll have hamburgs, veggie burgers and hotdogs, turkey burgers and beverages.
Looking forward to seeing/hearing from you — please ‘RSVP’ to Ben & Diana.
Annual Picnic Meeting
Plans for Fall and spring will be discussed. Several plays are being considered. Your ideas and support are welcome. No dates set as of this moment.
Please bring a dish to pass; we’ll have hamburgs, veggie burgers and hotdogs, turkey burgers and beverages.
RSVP to Diana.
Summer Picnic Meeting
Please join us for our annual summer picnic meeting at the Friedells’ home on Monday, August 12th at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a dish to pass- salad, fruit, hors-doevres, dessert, or side. We will again have some burgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, turkey burgers to grill, and some beverages, wine and beer.
Agenda will include-
Wrap up for Velvet Cake War, and final figures
– DVD’s of Velvet Cake War, from our videographer, Valerie Tiffany
– Val’s pictures from Velvet Cake War can be found & ordered from this site;
Treasurer’s report – David Peake
Update on College Award recipients – Kyra Wehmeyer
Fall Show (and Spring) Dates, potential directors; potential Shows. Worcester Inn is interested in cooperating with a dinner if we want to present a show at the Wieting Theatre.
RSVP to Diana Friedell
Feb. 17th CCP ANNUAL Mtg/Party at Worcester Inn
You are invited to the annual Winter Party/Meeting of Catskill Community Players.
We’re happy to announce that the meeting will be held at the Worcester Inn on Main St., in Worcester, NY, on Sunday, February 17th at 5:00 p.m. Jim Buelow, the owner, is arranging for a light meal of hot hors d’oerves, mini-sandwiches, etc. This will cost each person about $10, plus a cash bar. RSVP to reserve your spot with Diana F; she’ll keep a list of reservations to give to the Worcester Inn so they know how many to prepare for. Come on out and play and plan with us for the future of Catskill Players. New members welcome!
On the agenda for the meeting will be. . .
- Officer Elections – (Diane & Laurie from the nominations committee)
- Diana will be stepping down as President, after 4 years on the job — we can’t thank her enough!
- Spring Play, potentially June 7, 8, & 9 at Wieting Theatre in Worcester, with Dinner at Worcester Inn
- Spring Play Director, under consideration
- H.S. Scholarship Applications
- Financial Report from Treasurer, Dave Peake
- Collection of Annual $5 membership dues
- Facebook & publicity efforts
- Announcements
- Playreading Committee
- Costumes
If you have anything else to add to the agenda, please remind Diana; she’ll add your item to the agenda.
If you have an interest in serving on the Executive Committee, as President, or any other role, please let Diane Stammel know.
Looking forward to seeing you!
January Meeting
CCP Annual Meeting Sunday, February 7th, 5:00 pm
Diana and Ben Friedell welcome you to their home & fireside, 400 Co. Hwy. 58, Oneonta, NY. Please bring a dish to pass, wine, beer, beverages provided.
The agenda will include:
- Voting in new officers for 2010.
- New Business: Spring Play- June date? Linda Insetta thinking of directing a show that would be performed at the Wieting Theater in Worcester, NY.
- Old Business: Wrapping Up & Cleaning up- We had an extremely successful fall show at SKCS and dinner theatre at Wieting and Worcester Inn, “A Nice Family Gathering”. There is still a need for volunteers on January 23rd to help put away sets, so that we can maintain a good working relationship with the Wieting Theater. Work crew asked to arrive at Wieting Theater in Worcester, Jan. 23rd, 2:00 p.m. Please RSVP- we NEED YOU! In Peace, Diana (RSVP to Diana if you need directions!!)
Reminder: Dues for 2010 will be collected at this meeting.