Change of CCP Meeting Date – Feb 6th, 6:00 p.m.
There is a change in the CCP Annual Meeting date. Sorry, we didn’t realize Feb. 7th is Superbowl Sunday! CCP Annual meeting will be Sat., February 6th starting with a sharing supperl at 6:00 p.m., at Diana and Ben Friedell’s home, 400 Co. Hwy 58, Oneonta (e-mail Diana if you need directions) Bring your $5 membership fee, and Bring a dish to pass- Diana and Ben will have wine, beer and a few beverages, coffee, tea. Agenda: election of Officers, planning for June play to be directed by Linda Insetta, wrap up from Fall Play (bring pictures!), any other agenda items, please let Diana know.
CCP Annual Meeting Sunday, February 7th, 5:00 pm
CCP Annual Meeting Sunday, February 7th, 5:00 pm.
Diana and Ben Friedell welcome you to their home & fireside, 400 Co. Hwy. 58, Oneonta, NY. Please bring a dish to pass, wine, beer, beverages provided.
The agenda will include:
- Voting in new officers for 2010.
- New Business: Spring Play- June date? Linda Insetta thinking of directing a show that would be performed at the Wieting Theater in Worcester, NY.
- Old Business: Wrapping Up & Cleaning up- We had an extremely successful fall show at SKCS and dinner theatre at Wieting and Worcester Inn, “A Nice Family Gathering”. There is still a need for volunteers on January 23rd to help put away sets, so that we can maintain a good working relationship with the Wieting Theater. Work crew asked to arrive at Wieting Theater in Worcester, Jan. 23rd, 2:00 p.m. Please RSVP- we NEED YOU! In Peace, Diana (RSVP to Diana if you need directions!!)
Reminder: Dues for 2010 will be collected at this meeting.
"A Nice Family Gathering" Photos
"A Nice Family Gathering" Rehearsal Photos
"A Nice Family Gathering" Flier
Catskill Community Players On Facebook!
If you’re a facebooker, please check us out:
Thanks to Kyra for setting us up!
Upcoming Production
Harbaugh Hall, South Kortright Central School
Nov. 13, 14 at 8pm
Nov. 15 at 2pm
Adults: $15 Students/Srs: $10Wieting Theatre, Worcester
Adults: $35; Students/Srs.: $30;
Show Only (no dinner): Adults: $15; Students/Srs: $10
Nov. 20, 21: Dinner at Worcester Inn — arrive between 5-6;
8:00 pm Show at Wieting Theatre across the street
Sun. Nov. 22: 2:00 pm Matinee followed by Dinner at the Inn
Seating limited, reserve Dinner by Nov. 19th

A NICE FAMILY GATHERING, a comedy by Phil Olsen, is a story about a man who loved his wife so much, he almost told her.
It’s Thanksgiving Day and the first family gathering at the Lundeen household since the Patriarch died. At the gathering, Dad comes back as a ghost with a mission; to tell his wife he loved her, something he neglected to tell her while he was alive. After all, they were only married for 41 years. The problem is, she can’t hear or see him.
Directed by Diana Friedell; Sets by Shawn Morse
Ass’t Director- Laurie Wehmeyer, Kyra Wehmeyer
Featuring: Ben Friedell, Sue Pearson, Vito D’Erasmo, Tom
Schimmerling, Becky Maeder Chien; Kristin Sloth, Bob Gaffney
Praise for previous productions:
“Hilarious and touching!” – LA Weekly Pick of the Week.
“Exquisite sense of humor!” -Daily Variety.
“A good heart is behind all this family silliness!” – Los Angeles Times.
Buy your Tickets at Eighth Note Music Store in Oneonta, Delhi Paint & Paper, and the Worcester Inn in Worcester, or via phone 607-433-2089
More info: See the flier.