MOM’S GIFT in Rehearsal

Lisa Hornick. Nancy Bondurant Couch, Danielle Purdy, Casey Thomas, Ben Friedell, Roxanne Rippa in MOM’S GIFT. Tonight & Tomorrow at 8:00 PM (Friday April 21, Saturday April 22), and Sunday Matinee (April 23) at 2:00 PM, at the Weiting Theater in Worcester, NY.

For reservations to the Dinner + Play, call the Worcester Inn at 607-397-8500. To buy tickets for the Play only, visit

MOM’S GIFT – April 21-23 – Wieting Theatre

The Catskill Community Players, now in their 43rd season, present the heartwarming family comedy “Mom’s Gift” by Phil Olson, at the Wieting Theatre in Worcester, on April 21st & 22nd at 8 pm, preceded by an optional special theater dinner at the Worcester Inn across the street, with a 2 pm matinee show on Sunday, April 23rd followed by dinner at the Worcester Inn.

In this comedy with a heart, Mom (played by Nancy Bondurant-Couch, CCP Director, and theater teacher at SUNY & Hartwick) has been dead for 11 months and shows up at her husband’s birthday party as a ghost with a mission. The husband is being played by a 20 year veteran of the CCP stage & local favorite, Dr. Ben Friedell.

Like Clarence in “It’s A Wonderful Life,” Mom has to accomplish a task to earn her wings. Only what the task actually is, is a mystery. There are so many things to fix. The problem is complicated by the fact that the only person who can hear or see Mom is her daughter, Kat, played by SUNY theater major, Lisa Hornick.  Kat has been ordered by the court to spend Dad’s birthday with him as part of her Anger Management Program.

One by one,  the family’s secrets are peeled away revealing a shocking truth that surprises even our ghost. The cast is filled out with Danielle Purdy playing Kat’s ditzy sister, “Brittney”, Roxanne Rippa playing family friend “Trish”, Casey Thomas playing Kevin, and Bhala Jones playing the nosey neighbor Mrs. Norquist.

Director Shadow LaValley was a theater major at SUNY Oneonta, and he is supported by a strong creative team, including Nancy Bondurant-Couch & Diana Friedell as Producers,  with assistance by Dylan Thompson, Sapphira Koerner as Stage Manager assisted by Amethyst Gardner, Taylor Clark designing costumes, and Andy Frank as set designer.

Purchase Advance tickets for the Play only ($18 & $15 for Sr. Citizens) online at, or if Dinner + Play Ticket is preferred, make Reservations for the special rate of  $42, $39 for Sr. Cit. by calling the Worcester Inn at 607-397-8500. Tickets  are also available at the Door at the Wieting Theatre, starting one hour before performance times. For more information  find Catskill players on Facebook (Click here:

“A humorously poignant and thought ­provoking story… Touching and hysterical in turns…Heartwarming and compelling…This story is a heartfelt cross between family dynamics, the loss of a loved one, and the power of love.” ­ -Tolucan Times

The Catskill Community Players and the Wieting Theatre are thankful to be the recipients of a 2017 Otsego County Community Events Grant.

Auditions – MOM’S GIFT

Audition Notice:

The Catskill Community Players will be holding open auditions for the play

Mom’s Gift

by Phil Olson

A family comedy in two acts.

Seeking a cast of 7 (5 women and 2 men)

Directed by: Shadow C. LaValley

Audition location:

First United Methodist Church

66 Chestnut Street, Oneonta, NY 13820

• Saturday, January 21st from 4pm-5:30pm

• Sunday, January 22nd from 1pm-2:30pm


Location will be made available to those who are called back

By Invitation Only

• Sunday, January 29th from 1pm-2:30pm

Performance Dates:

Option 1:
• Friday, April 28th
• Saturday, April 29th
• Sunday, April 30th

Option 2:
• Friday, May 12th
• Saturday, May 13th
• Sunday, May 14th

• Performance Location: TBA

Things to bring:

• A complete print out of your schedule, conflicts and prior commitments.

• A headshot/resume

• If you do not have a resume, you will be need to write down your previous acting experience on forms that will be made available to you.

• If you do not have a headshot, you will have your photo taken for the director’s reference.

How auditions will work:

• You will be asked to read pages from the script in front of the director and fellow performers.

• If you are unable to attend either audition, please contact the director before January 22nd: 607.434.5025 or


• In this family comedy, Mom has been dead for almost a year and suddenly shows up at her husband’s birthday party as a ghost. She is sent back to her home to complete a mission so that she can clear up unfinished business. With so many things to fix, Mom turns to her daughter (Kat) for help. One by one the family’s secrets are unearthed to reveal a surprising twist at the end.

Character Description:

Kat (25-32)

• The oldest of two sisters. Plain, extremely smart, sharp, forthright, but likeable. Has a sense of humor. Vulnerable and sympathetic. Playfully sarcastic. Not a mean spirited character.

Mom (50-60)

• Good sense of humor. Deeply caring. A Vikings fan.

Dad (50-60)

• A doctor. Nice guy. Reserved. Holds cards close to the vest.

Brittney (19-23)

• The younger of two sisters. Pretty. A Hooters girl. Peppy, ditzy, sincere, genuine, not sarcastic.

Trish (35-40)

• She’s pretty and is kind at heart. Works as a nurse.

Kevin (25-32)

• The neighborhood boy, now turned adult. Good looking, successful business person, jock in high school.

Mrs. Norquist (65+) (Voiceover)

• Neighbor. A little loopy. We never see her.

DUETS – October 21-23 – Wieting Theater

The Catskill Community Players present the award winning romantic comedy “Duets”, by Peter Quilter, at the Wieting Theater in Worcester, on October 21st & 22nd at 8 pm, preceded by an optional special theater dinner at the Worcester Inn across the street, with a 2 pm matinee show on Sunday, October 23rd followed by dinner at the Worcester Inn.

DUETS is a hilarious tribute to the strength and madness of the human heart.  It is a romantic comedy made of four sets of characters,  having four crucial moments.  In the first scene, Jonathan and Wendy (played by Ben Friedell and Diane Stammel) are on a blind date and hoping to get it right this time even though they’ve never got it right before; In the second scene, Barrie (played by Scott West) is not really interested in women but Janet (played by Roxanne Rippa) sees that as no reason to stop trying; Shelley (played by Rebecca Maeder Chien) and Bobby (played by Shadow LaValley) have decided to holiday in Spain to finalize their divorce whilst drowning in cocktails; Angela (played by Diana Friedell) is marrying for the third time to the dismay of her brother Toby (played by Bill Goertemoeller) and amidst a barrage of bad omens and a dress resembling a parachute.

Diana Friedell, President of the Catskill Community Players, is producing, Nancy Bondurant-Couch, who teaches theater classes at both SUNY and Hartwick, is directing, with Lisa Hornick, a Theater major at SUNY Oneonta serving as stage manager, and Charlie Reiman constructing sets.

Purchase Advance tickets and Dinner Reservations ($42, $39 for Sr. Cit, $18 for Show Only) for the October 21st-23rd show by calling the Worcester Inn at 607-397-8500. For more information go to or find Catskill players on Facebook (Click here:

“This bittersweet quick-change comedy is streaked with pathos and is effortlessly charming, with each character sketched with verve and skill” (Sydney Morning Herald)

“DUETS” Auditions

Catskill Community Players announce auditions for the play “DUETS” by Peter Quilter.

A romantic comedy dealing with friendships, love and marriage.
Flexible casting 4 m, 4 w

Directed by Nancy Bondurant-Couch

Held at First United Methodist Church, 66 Chestnut St., Oneonta
Choose one night to attend:
Thursday, August 4 at 7:00 pm
Tuesday, August 30 at 7:00 pm

  • Please bring a print out of your schedule/conflicts/commitments
  • Appointments are not required.
  • You will be asked to read pages from the script in front of the director and other auditionees.
  • Call Back auditions by invitation only for August 31

If you are unable to attend either audition date please contact the director before August 30:
or call 607-433-0575

October 21-23, pending final approval, at the Wieting Theatre in Worcester, NY, combined with optional Pre-Show Dinner at the Worcester Inn (post-show dinner on Sunday matinee)

A gloriously funny examination of the chaotic world of love, relationships and why “the grass is never greener.”

DUETS is a hilarious tribute to the strength and madness of the human heart. Though written to be produced in its entirety with a cast of up to M4 F4, DUETS may also be performed as four separate one-act plays, each with a cast of M1 F1.

The cast size is flexible.

A very funny comedy by the author of Broadway smash End of the Rainbow and the West End hit Glorious! Four sets of characters, four crucial moments. Jonathan and Wendy are on a blind date and hoping to get it right this time even though they’ve never got it right before; Barrie is not really interested in women but Janet sees that as no reason to stop trying; Shelley and Bobby have decided to holiday in Spain to finalize their divorce whilst drowning in cocktails; Angela is marrying for the third time to the dismay of her brother Toby and amidst a barrage of bad omens and a dress resembling a parachute.


Duet I: Blind date
• Jonathan
Dresses quite expensively in what he considers to be ‘cool’, but fails! A not entirely accurate self-description in his dating profile but happy to talk about himself when faced with someone he likes. Believes he has an interesting past e.g. a volunteer fireman until he burnt his finger and passable ballroom dancer. Little success with the ladies and his one-time fiancée dumped him for the concierge of their holiday hotel in Tenerife. He gets nervous and jumpy around women and finds them difficult to read. His discomfort leads him to jabber. He has made his umpteenth and possibly final attempt at the dating game. Probably living on inherited money.
• Wendy
Engaged twice, married once. The first engagement “drifted away”. She experienced her husband as a Hoover who sucked away her personality. She has taken a long time to more-or-less recover some of her previous assertiveness, but has some way to go. Amusing, sometimes inadvertently, prone to swearing on occasion and is somewhat bruised by the failed attempts at finding an acceptable new partner. She, also, could do with some support in dressing well.

Playing ages for both characters 50+. Both actors cast will probably be of a similar age.

Duet II: Secretarial Skills
• Barrie
It’s his birthday. Wealthy and dresses well, albeit a little eccentrically at time. He is happily gay, ‘out’ and comfortable in his own skin. Has lots of energy. To strangers he appears straight but, very occasionally, puts on a camp act (complete with stereotypical gestures) when it amuses him to do so. He has a well-developed sense of humor. Barrie can be impulsive – he’s decided he wanted the birthday party three hours before the party is due to start. He has strong, and amusing, views about marriage, the protocol of marriage ceremonies and how marriages should end. Despite his intelligence he naively fails to spot Janet’s ploys.
• Janet
Very capable, bright, cheeky, funny and although Barrie is her boss acts as his equal. She also loves him. Has no trouble in pushing Barrie around. Says/pretends she can’t be bothered to find a man to settle down with. Appears to make light of the major stumbling block between Barrie and her – the fact he appears to be entirely relaxed about his sexual orientation. She is very good at keeping up the banter as she cleverly and subtly appears to reel Barrie in. On the surface Janet seems to cope well with the potential pain of a non-consummated marriage to him. Preferably (but not essentially) at least one actor to be able to perform with a believable American accent.

Playing ages – for Janet late 20s to late-30s and Barrie 40+

Duet III: The Holiday
• Shelley
Shelley is a romantic at heart and is distressed by the prospect of divorce and uses alcohol and a caustic wit to mask/cope with her distress. She is very hurt by Bobby’s infidelity but also explains away her dalliance as being acceptable because it was with a childhood sweetheart. Despite the tensions she is inclined to mother Bobby. Towards the end of the Duet she takes a risk but is she being reckless or courageous?
• Bobby
Is just a little tipsy but irritated by Shelley being drunk, which she is often. He is cuttingly critical of her; a pattern that has existed for some time. Bobby wants her to be happy after the divorce. He shows signs of caring for Shelley from time to time and tries to look after her but doesn’t seem to be able to sustain this tender side of his character for very long. Although seeming to ‘man up’ over the divorce he too may be finding the forthcoming divorce challenging and painful.

Playing ages – Shelley 25+ and Bobby 25+. Both within around 5 years of each other.

Duet IV The Bride-to-be
• Angela
Angela needs help to believe that her imminent, third, marriage is the right thing to do. She slips into her habitual mode of dealing with brother Toby. She wants to be sure that getting married hasn’t become a habit as well as the reassurance that the flowers and other practicalities are under control. Angela gets tense and panicky as several bad omens pop up in her memory, especially when she breaks a mirror. She wonders why she has chosen Toby as a counselor and confidante.
• Toby
Like his sister Angela, Toby comes across as quite posh. He has little emotional intelligence and a compulsion to be honest and ‘rational’. He has a history of inadvertently upsetting Angela and manages to do so at this difficult time too. Since their parents passed away he has done his best to be Angela’s prop but often fails. Despite some of his jibes about her track record in marriage Toby admires Angela and her tenacity; something he lacks. He delivers many funny lines but often has no idea how funny/amusingly crass he is being.

Playing ages – Angela 30 to late-40s but could be older Toby 30-60s. A preference for Toby to be older than Angela but not essential.

Vanya, Sonia, Masha & Spike

The Catskill Community Players present the award winning comedy, “Vanya, Sonia, Masha & Spike”, by Christopher Durang, at the Wieting Theater in Worcester, on May 13th & 14th at 8 pm, preceded by a special theater dinner at the Worcester Inn across the street, with a 2 pm matinee show on Sunday, May 15th followed by dinner at the Worcester Inn.Vanya Sonia Masha Spike poster - 3-23-16

Siblings Vanya (Scott West) and Sonia (Abbey Koutnik) share the family homestead in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, where they bicker and complain about their lives. Suddenly their movie-star sister, Masha (played by Diana Friedell), swoops in with her new boy toy, Spike (Shadow C. LaValley). Cassandra, their fortune telling housekeeper, played by Bhala Jones, forecasts impending doom when Nina (Katie McKenna), the beautiful young aspiring actress comes a calling and becomes the object of Masha’s jealousy.

Vanya - Scott West
Vanya – Scott West
Sonia – Abbey Koutnik
Masha - Diana Friedell
Masha – Diana Friedell


Spike - Shadow C. LaValley
Spike – Shadow C. LaValley
Cassandra - Bhala Jones
Cassandra – Bhala Jones



Nina - Katie McKenna
Nina – Katie McKenna






Nancy Bondurant Couch, who has been the director for Oneonta High School Productions for the past eight years, is directing, with Diana Friedell producing, Charlie Reiman constructing sets and Laurie Wehmeyer stage managing.

Purchase Advance tickets and Dinner Reservations ($42, $39 for Sr. Cit, $18 for Show Only) for the May 13th-15th show by calling the Worcester Inn at 607-397-8500. For more information go to or find Catskill Community Players on Facebook.


“Deliriously funny. . . a heedless good time.”
– NY Times

AUDITIONS – Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike

Catskill Community Players Announce




Written by Christopher Durang

Directed by Nancy Bondurant-Couch



  • Held at First United Methodist Church, 66 Chestnut St., Oneonta

o   Please bring a print out of your schedule/conflicts/commitments

  • THURSDAY, March 3 at 7:00 pm


  • SATURDAY, March 5 at 2:00 pm


  • If you want to audition but unable to attend either time, please contact the director for an alternate date/time to audition:


o   or call 607-433-0575



  • MAY 13-15, at the Wieting Theatre in Worcester, NY, combined with Pre-Show Dinner at the Worcester Inn.



Middle-aged siblings Vanya and Sonia share a home in Bucks County, PA, where they bicker and complain about the circumstances of their lives. Suddenly, their movie-star sister, Masha, swoops in with her new boy toy, Spike. Old resentments flare up, eventually leading to threats to sell the house. Also on the scene are sassy maid Cassandra, who can predict the future, and a lovely young aspiring actress named Nina, whose prettiness somewhat worries the imperious Masha.

— Winner of the 2013 Tony Award for Best Play.

Promotional photo from the Broadway production
Promotional photo from the 2013 Broadway production


Character Descriptions (2 male, 4 female):

  • Vanya: 50s, lives in Bucks County with Sonia, his adopted sister; resigned to his life, more or less, at least compared to Sonia


  • Sonia: early 50s, lives in Bucks County with Vanya; discontent, upset, regretful


  • Masha: 50s, Vanya and Sonia’s sister; a B-list movie actress who gallivants around the world. She has had five failed marriages and has recently taken up with a young actor, Spike.


  • Spike: 29, Masha’s new companion; an aspiring actor who’s friendly, sexy, very well built and self-absorbed


  • Nina: 20s, niece of Vanya and Sonia’s neighbors; an energetic and sincere would-be actress who is star struck by Masha


  • Cassandra: (any age) Vanya and Sonia’s odd housekeeper; a soothsayer who often makes ominous predictions


  • All roles are open. Performers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds are encouraged to attend.
  • Everyone of college age and above is welcomed to audition.

Nancy Bondurant-Couch also directed ALMOST MAINE for CCP in November, and also has to her credits other plays in the community including some for Orpheus Theatre and Oneonta High School productions from 2006-2014, and.  She currently teaches at SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick College.


Back Up Plan

In the event that we are unable to cast VANYA and SONYA and MASHA and SPIKE, the back-up choice will be “DUETS: A comedy in four acts” by Peter Quilter which is billed as an examination of the chaotic world of love, relationships and why the “grass is never greener.”



Flexible rehearsal dates, times and locations will be arranged after casting.

TECH & DRESS REHEARSALS:  Will be scheduled between May 6 – 12