Upcoming Production: PASSENGERS


A Comedy/Drama by Sam Bobrick

November 12 & 13 – dinner at 6:00; show at 8:00
November 14th – show at 2:00; dinner to follow
Dinner at the Worcester Inn; show at the Wieting Theater — both in Worcester, NY

Passengers Flyer 2010
Passengers Flyer 2010

Auditions for Catskill Players Fall Comedy- 9-19!!

Hi Everyone-
I am pleased to announce I will be directing the fall show for Catskill Community Players!!
Passengers by Sam Bobrick, writer from “Get Smart”, Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, and many other plays after that.
It is a fabulous well-reviewed comedy of 8 one-act kinds of scenes, so it is very flexible with the casting and rehearsing since you can either double cast a couple of them, or not.  It will be at the Wieting Theatre in Worcester again, a combination dinner theatre with the Worcester Inn.
I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard, while just reading the script, so it should be lots of fun.
We’ll probably rehearse at the Wieting in Worcester or other places, for our convenience, since each play is a small cast.  Here is the scoop. . .
Hope to see you there!
Feel free to call or e-mail if you have questions- 433-2089; dfriedell@stny.rr.com

Catskill Community Players

Diana Friedell, director, is seeking at least 8 actors, of all ages and types (the youngest needed should be able to play a young bride and groom age) for this hilarious comedy.

AUDITION DATES: Sunday, September 19th from 2-5 pm; Monday, September 19th at 7 pm; at the Wieting Theater on Main street in Worcester.

SHOW DATES: Dinner theater in cooperation with the Worcester Inn!! November 12, 13, 14th, dinner at 6:00; show at 8:00

CASTING: It is very flexible on casting (both number of cast members and age).

READ SOME OF PLAY HERE: books.google.com/books?isbn=3D0573662673

Actors play seventeen characters in eight short scenes set in a small mid-western bus station. The scenes, which segue fluidly from one to another without stopping, vary from comedic to poignant. The scenes include: one of life’s eternal losers plans to turn his life around by successfully robbing the bus, with his wife’s encouragement; a successful businessman meets an old high school classmate, now a bag lady, and have a rousing time together recalling the good old days; an innocent bystander, suffers outrageous consequences when he refuses to get involved in a bogus incident set up to reprimand people who refuse to get involved; a recent widow, whose husband was accidentally killed while attending a circus out of town, awaits his ashes while she returns the body of the clown that was sent to her by mistake; the bus driver asks the woman behind the ticket counter to join him in his  retirement — does she turn him down?

More info about Catskill players on FACEBOOK, and at http://blog.catskillplayers.org

Upcoming Production


Harbaugh Hall, South Kortright Central School
Nov. 13, 14 at 8pm
Nov. 15 at 2pm
Adults: $15 Students/Srs: $10

Wieting Theatre, Worcester
Adults: $35; Students/Srs.: $30;
Show Only (no dinner): Adults: $15; Students/Srs: $10
Nov. 20, 21: Dinner at Worcester Inn — arrive between 5-6;
8:00 pm Show at Wieting Theatre across the street
Sun. Nov. 22: 2:00 pm Matinee followed by Dinner at the Inn
Seating limited, reserve Dinner by Nov. 19th

Sue Pearson, Vito D'Erasmo, Ben Friedell
Sue Pearson, Vito D'Erasmo, Ben Friedell

A NICE FAMILY GATHERING, a comedy by Phil Olsen, is a story about a man who loved his wife so much, he almost told her.

It’s Thanksgiving Day and the first family gathering at the Lundeen household since the Patriarch died. At the gathering, Dad comes back as a ghost with a mission; to tell his wife he loved her, something he neglected to tell her while he was alive. After all, they were only married for 41 years. The problem is, she can’t hear or see him.

Directed by Diana Friedell; Sets by Shawn Morse
Ass’t Director- Laurie Wehmeyer, Kyra Wehmeyer
Featuring: Ben Friedell, Sue Pearson, Vito D’Erasmo, Tom
Schimmerling, Becky Maeder Chien; Kristin Sloth, Bob Gaffney

Praise for previous productions:
“Hilarious and touching!” – LA Weekly Pick of the Week.
“Exquisite sense of humor!” -Daily Variety.
“A good heart is behind all this family silliness!” – Los Angeles Times.

Buy your Tickets at Eighth Note Music Store in Oneonta, Delhi Paint & Paper, and the Worcester Inn in Worcester, or via phone 607-433-2089

More info: See the flier.